Womens Light Up Rudolph Nose Reindeer Antler Ears Headband Costume Accessory Set

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  • $17.30
  • Regular price $19.95

  • Includes blinking nose worn via elastic band.
  • Adorable headband with ears, antlers, berries, and holly.
  • Ideal set for holiday parties, caroling, school plays, and more.
  • One size fits most adults and teens.
  • Batteries included and can be replaced.

Rudolph has a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you'd want one too. This set allows you to do just that. This set contains a small blinking LED nose. Just flip the switch and the item is activated. Also included is a cute headband with ears and antlers. This set fits most adults and teens. The nose is intended for short term use but batteries may be changed using a small screw driver. Takes 3 small watch batteries (included). The perfect accessories for any winter holiday festivities. For Ages 14 and Older